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Fri, 28 March 2025

Welcome to Dnipro City!

Фотоконкурс Город

City Statistic

Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Central Ukraine, Prydniprovye region

GMT +2 (when in London 12.00 - in Dnipropetrovsk - 14.00).


990 000 - city population, 2015
1776 - city foundation
48o 28' N latitude, 35o 3' E. longitude - city location
405 - sq. km. city area
22 km - length from north to south
33 km - length from west to east
More 2200 - streets
More 94 000 - buildings
188 m - highest point
52 m - lowest point
1791 - oldest building
123 m - highest dwelling building
830 m - longest building
City Day - second weekend of September

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