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A Good Year

Comedy, Drama, Romance & Adaptation

Starring: Russell Crowe

118 min.

Rated: PG-13 for language & some sexual content

Everything matures... eventually...
Directed by Ridley Scott. London-based investment expert Max Skinner (Russell Crowe) travels to Provence to tend a small vineyard he inherited from his late uncle. When he gets suspended from his job under suspicion of fraud, he settles in to life at the chateau, remembering the time he spent there as a child. Then a determined young California girl (Abbie Cornish) arrives claiming to be the illegitimate daughter of the deceased uncle and rightful owner of the vineyard.

American Conversational English - ACE. Saturdays, 4.30 p.m., Dom Uchionykh (House of Scientists), 2 Kuibysheva Street. SUPER Moderator - Spencer "The Canadian". He will definitely not teach you the regular shit they teach in schools, he is gonna let you speak a foreign language. As usual, it's hard to explain - come and see for yourself! UAH20 a person.

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